Credit Card Nation: The Consequences of America's Addiction to Credit |
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Credit Card Nation: The Consequences of America's Addiction to Credit Author: Robert D. Manning $12.60 |
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Credit Card Nation: The Consequences of America's Addiction to Credit |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 3.7 / 5.0
Wake Up Call For Americans & Myself:
Robert Manning did very objective homework, analysis, and research, in this very interesting book that most of us, myself included, can relate to. I fit the statistics of the American consumer studied. This is a realistic book most Americans can benefit from. I have never considered myself to place a high value on material things, but I have used credit cards in the past to get "this or that thing," later to implicitly acknowledge it wasn't a necessity. And, I didn't really use the things I purchased very...
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Credit Card Nation:
An insightful, cogent and comprehensive analysis of how our individual and corporate debt woes began, evolved, and are on the brink of crashing in on our heads unless the credit industry takes immediate and pervasive (!) responsibility for the monstrous cash cow it has produced. With its udder full to overflowing, overabundant access to credit is about to explode, with disastrous consequences.Robert Manning is no fatalist; he also has a great sense of irony and proportion. Nevertheless, the bullets keep...
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Had this professor when he was researching this book:
I know Professor Manning from his days teaching class at Georgetown and American universities in DC. He was a fairly nice guy and a decent professor, with some fun arguments. My problem with this book was how selectively he researched some of the information. Not that he ignores importent sociological and economic trends, but for example I remember him polling me about my credit card spending as a college student. When I responded that I got the card as part of a through-the-mail low-interest offer when I...more info
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