Seven Things That Steal Your Joy : Overcoming the Obstacles to Your Happiness (Meyer, Joyce) |
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Seven Things That Steal Your Joy : Overcoming the Obstacles to Your Happiness (Meyer, Joyce) Author: Joyce Meyer $15.39 |
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Seven Things That Steal Your Joy : Overcoming the Obstacles to Your Happiness (Meyer, Joyce) |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.7 / 5.0
This is an excellent and practical book. It's down to earth, real life, and written by somebody who's been there and done that.
The principles are simple, and the advice presented in a friendly manner. Some "joy stealers" may prove a revelation, while others serve as a strong reminder, but in any case, if the advice in this book is followed, you're sure to end up more content.
This author's idea of being joyful in the Lord doesn't include the false joy we tend to see during Sunday morning hand shaking sessions - stiff jaw, toothy smile, and repetitive "Bless you" breathed more out of habit than belief. _Seven Things That Steal Your Joy_ reveals seven things that steal one's joy, and follows up with seven things to help keep "real" joy in one's life.Joyce Meyers believes joy is the source of a Christian's strength. It's the balance one needs to be strong and truly happy,...
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A Book Filled With Wisdom!:
One of the reasons this book is so authoritative is because the author describes how she overcame these "joy stealers" in her own life. What she learned she shares. The principles are doable, but more significant, they are based on the Bible. The principles work and they can be applied. She even gives specific examples of how they helped improve the quality of her life.Joyce reminds us that joy is power. The adversary knows this and consequently tries to steal joy. However, since the joy of the Lord is...
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