How to Hear From God: Learn to Know His Voice and Make the Right Decisions |
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How to Hear From God: Learn to Know His Voice and Make the Right Decisions Author: Joyce Meyer $15.39 |
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How to Hear From God: Learn to Know His Voice and Make the Right Decisions |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5.0
A must read for anyone wanting to grow towards God.:
I am a baby Christian. I recently was at a Promise Keepers event, and asking a small group from my brother's church how they know when they found God, and how do they know when he speaks? They could'nt really describe it, exept that is is awesome, and that I will know. They reminded me of the verse, "Seek and you will find." I later prayed for the passion to seek God and for him to come into my heart. Well 2 weeks later I found this book starring at me in WalMart. I have grown so much in so little time,...
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For those who want a closer relationhship with Jesus:
This book was excellent and a must read for all Christians. Most pastors and churches do not teach of the Holy Spirit and do not tell you that He is desperately needed in your life. That is why so many people come to christianity and fall right back in their old life. They don't lead Spirit-led lives. And not only that, they don't recognize the spirit and all the different ways God talks to you. There are so MANY different ways God gets His message across to you. And Joyce Meyers did an excellent job of...more info
Be still and know that He is God!:
For most of us, if we were honest, often times when it comes to hearing from God, He is really the last person we want to hear from. Why? Because sometimes we don't want to hear what God has to say and we want to do our own thing. To further complicate matters, many of us may not know how to discern God's voice at all. In addition, listening for and to God, as well as obedience, is central to the believer's walk of faith. Meyer provides practical and sound teaching on the many ways God speaks to us and how...more info
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