The Well of Loneliness : A 1920s Classic of Lesbian Fiction |
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The Well of Loneliness : A 1920s Classic of Lesbian Fiction Author: RADCLYFFE HALL $10.47 |
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The Well of Loneliness : A 1920s Classic of Lesbian Fiction |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.5 / 5.0
Paramedics Please:
I found "The Well of Loneliness" to be a very interesting & affecting tale. I stumbled across the book in a used bookshop. My hardback copy was a 17th printing from 1933. So since the book was written in 1928, it had to have created quite a sensation to go through 17 printings in its first 5-years. When I bought this, I thought it was about paramedics in the early part of the last century. Of course, with Stephen Gordon's experiences during World War I, it was about paramedics, but not primarily as I...
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Beautiful and heart-rending:
This novel in to be recommnded not only to lesbians and "inverts." It is to be recommended to all sensitive souls and lovers of beauty and artists and all who feel themselves terribly rejected by mainstream culture. The prose in itself is beautifully written in a manner that few books of any sort are today. If this lovely style is "long-winded," as one reviewer dubbed it, then today's literary culture would do well to open the door and let some air in, regardless of the season! The book that comes closest,...more info
Stumbled over this work in a used book shop..:
When I picked up this book, it was simply because it was from 1928 (yes, I got a 1st edition!) and was sitting the in gay/lesbian literature section of the local used book store. I've been looking into late 1800 and early 1900 lesbain literature for a while because it seems to be generally more well-written then the more recent novels.Earlier in the month I had read "Wild Heart: A Life" by Suzanne Rodriguez which is about Natalie Barney and her adventures in the early 1900s. Imagine my surprise when the...
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