Cut Numbers : A Novel |
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Cut Numbers : A Novel Author: Nick Tosches $11.16 |
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Cut Numbers : A Novel |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 3.5 / 5.0
damn good. tight. complelling. damn hot:
I loved this book. I learned about Tosches through a Vanity Fair article and began reading some of his stuff - 'The Devil and Sonny Liston', 'Country', 'The Last Opium Den'. I found and read this novel after those and loved it. I've since given it to several friends and they loved it, or so I think. I don't think I care, but I would say they loved it based on their reactions and that I never got the books back. If you are afraid of dirty words or dirty deeds don't read this (the last reviewer would have...
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Four-letter words replace substance:
The premise of this book about the illegal numbers game, could have been executed SO much better, with the use of more dictionary words, instead of some of the grossest four-letter ones I've ever seen in print. I'm sorry to say, that instead of a "page-turner", I found this writing effort to be more of a "turn-off". Which is a pity, because I feel the story itself had so much promise, and could have been told in a far better fashion., Inc. |
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