The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany

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The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany

Author: Guenter Lewy
Binding: Paperback
Published: 01 February, 2000
ISBN: 0306809311



The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany

The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany
by: Guenter Lewy

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 3.2 / 5.0

"Scholarship"? ...Ridiculous:

Many of the claims of this book have been proven false or misleading. Please don't this book. Please don't give this person any of your money. The new book by Peter Goodman is the actual truth. I would suggest that instead.

Worth reading:

A balanced, fair, detailed and scholarly book that could be of interest to all except those who are irrevocably, rigidly and unalterably pro- or anti-Catholic.

Painfully Fair:

The Christian contribution and response to the actions of Nazi Germany, in particular the Holocaust, is perhaps the most apalling event in the history of Western civilization. One reads Mr. Lewy's contribution to Holocaust scholarship with an ever growing sense of rage. One's rage is not directed at the Catholic Church in particular, because there were no corporate heroes in this tragic episode. There were individual acts of heroism, to be sure, but at best the Church (and by Church, I mean Protestant as... more info

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