The Art of Teaching Art: A Guide for Teaching and Learning the Foundations of Drawing-Based Art

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The Art of Teaching Art: A Guide for Teaching and Learning the Foundations of Drawing-Based Art

Author: Deborah A. Rockman
Binding: Hardcover
Published: 01 August, 2000
ISBN: 0195130790



The Art of Teaching Art: A Guide for Teaching and Learning the Foundations of Drawing-Based Art

The Art of Teaching Art: A Guide for Teaching and Learning the Foundations of Drawing-Based Art
by: Deborah A. Rockman

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.8 / 5.0

Excellent source for both art students and instructors:

I am presently an art student working toward my degree in teaching college level art. This book is a wonderful source of information for both art students and teachers. The topics are covered very thoroughly and in an understandable fashion. Some of the topics covered in this book are: sighting (excellent content on sighting), principals of composition, value, space and depth, the human figure and anatomy, gesture drawing, portraiture, perspective (very, very well done), establishing a classroom... more info

Teaching Assistantships Must Buy This Book!:

This is really an essential book for any teaching assistant, especially if the feel overwhelmed with the task at hand. The book is aimed at educators, a gap that was left open by many other drawing books. Any faculty overseeing graduate students would be well advised to recommend this book to their students. I think that it has one of the strongest sections on teaching perspective that I have encountered. There is little however that encourages experimentation or media exploration. It does offer a clear... more info

No TA or new art faculty should be without it!:

When most artists attend graduate school they are thrown into the position of teaching freshmen level art courses with little or no preparation for doing so. Luckily, Professor Rockman has come along to provide in her book a clear and concise education on the teaching of foundations level art. I was lucky to have been a student of Ms. Rockman's and only survived my experience as a Teaching Assistant by having had her example as an instructor to draw upon. Now anyone who picks up this book can draw upon her... more info

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