Don't Get Taken Every Time : The Ultimate Guide to Buying or Leasing a Car in the Showroom or on the Internet |
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Don't Get Taken Every Time : The Ultimate Guide to Buying or Leasing a Car in the Showroom or on the Internet Author: Remar Sutton $11.20 |
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Don't Get Taken Every Time : The Ultimate Guide to Buying or Leasing a Car in the Showroom or on the Internet |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.7 / 5.0
The Best Offense is a Good Defense:
If you are thinking about buying a new car, you must read and study this book. It goes into great detail by informing you how to prepare for attacking a salesman on his own turf, and then shows how to counter whatever he says in order to get yourself the very best deal when it is time to negotiate. There is no doubt that I'll save hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars the next time I buy a new car. Thank you for giving me the ammunition to help me come out on top. I shudder to think of all the money I lost...
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This book is by far the best I've found on the subject:
When I was planning to buy a new car I purchased several books on the subject. The first one I read was "What Car Dealers Don't Want You to Know" by Mark Eskeldson. I then started "How to Buy or Lease a Car Without Getting Ripped Off" by Pique Lyle but gave up after one chapter because her writing style and the way she kept apologizing for her years of selling cars put me off.I then read "Don't Get Taken Every Time." Right off the bat Remar Sutton convinced me to buy a used car instead of a new one. I...
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Nice details:
Great book. Fits my previous experiences. You can tell by the care give to the writing and the amount of careful details in the book that the author know of what he speaks.
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