Tae Yeon Kim

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Tae Yeon Kim

1. Lies Lies
from Fox Lorber
Price: $22.48

Customer Review:
Lies is a film about a sexual relationship between a final year high school girl and a grown up artist. A Teenager girl wants to loose her virginity to a married grown up artist . Their relationship gets stranger with the artists lust for pain and sado mazo actions. Later girl develops a liking... more info

Customer Rating:
3.1 / 5.0

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2. Bichunmoo (Dance With Sword) Bichunmoo (Dance With Sword)
from Tai Seng Video
Price: $26.96

Customer Review:
The comparisons to Crouching Tiger, Storm Riders and The Duel-type films and the Korean Bichunmoo are certainly justified: it IS a kung fu, sword flick, flavored with a love story. But Bichunmoo is a masterpiece in itself that can stand up to these comparisons; you can even argue that this, the most... more info

Customer Rating:
4.2 / 5.0

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