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Will & Grace: Dylan McDermott

Archive: Gay Themed

I ignored Will & Grace when it appeared. Gay sitcom - {shrug} - sitcoms are stupid: that sums up my response.

A couple of years later I was in Raleigh getting to know Charles. He was a regular viewer. I think it was the story of Will's discovering he's gay. It was a decent story. And, no surprise for my love for the stereotypical gay men that straight gays despise - I was greatly taken with Jack. (Opinion later revised because it seems as if Jack has finally become too much of a cartoon even for me.)

I've grown increasingly weary of Will & Grace. I'd hoped the introduction of Harry Connick, whose proven a surprisingly good actor in a couple of movies, would enliven the show. But Harry is rarely there and the Grace character appears to be on stupid pills. Her increasing superficiality leaves steadily becoming harder to distinguish from Karen and Jack.

Since Will & Grace has become a lover's tradition for the two of us (I don't care what you think) I'll be watching the new season.

I don't know who Dylan McDermott is. But I hope having him become Will's steady will be the source of a few fresh storylines. I fear we'll be overexposed to Will's insecurities. Maybe when Frasier ends they'll hire Joe Keenan to be the story editor.

First seen on Blake's weblog. He got it from Go Fish.

Nothing like a fool and trackbacks.

[Listening to: The First The Last Eternity (7 Inch Edit) - Snap! - (3:54)]

1Posted by: Max on October 17, 2003 12:29 AM

Dylan McDermott was one of the main actors in ?Three to Tango? with Neve Campbell and Matthew Perry! - Just for info -

It was sad that there was no continue with Barry.
With beard he looks awful but in episode 16 - Bye Bye Beardy - without the hair in his face, he was (like Grace said it) HOT ! ! !

It was a shame that the writers had ended it that way, as we all have seen it.

For short stories I would prefer actor?s like:
- Matthew McConaughey
- Rupert Everett
(Will with an older guy could be attractive?)
- David ?Baywatch Cody? Chokachi
- David ?Baywatch Matt? Charvet
- Kelly Slater
- Michael Bergin
but also Michael T. Weiss (Pretender) would be cool

and for long-term relationship:
- ?

2Posted by: Max on October 17, 2003 01:16 AM

I already had some more spooky ideas:

A one-night-stand with:
Jean-Claude Van Damme - HAHAHAHA ;-)

BUT an other plot would be cool too:
Connor Trinneer - Trip Tucker from Enterprise
Anthony Montgomery - Helm Officer at Enterpirise

an other character could be:
- Chris O?Donnell (Batman?s Robin)
- Mark Wahlberg (Planet of the Apes)
- Benjamin Bratt (Miss Undercover)
- Heath Ledger
- Till Schweiger (Driven)
- Ben Affleck

will be continued?

3Posted by: kara on December 29, 2003 10:27 AM

I think dylan is so hot

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