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LGBTQ : queer alphabet soup

Archive: Gay Themed

I?ve always favored fag myself but I can?t imagine Harvard publishing a journal called just fag. The announcement of Harvard?s new queer periodical/journal is percolating through queer/gay/lgbt/? blogspace.

?A lot of [LGBTQ] people in older generations still have qualms with the word,? Hughes said.

LGBTQ? Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer? It spooked me a tiny bit the day I discovered that usage gay had diverged from lesbian to some degree. Now we?ll split queer from gay?

Not being really comfortable with the Boy Meets Boy watching or Andrew Sullivan reading gay men of today I can almost go for this. I don?t read Genre, Out, The Advocate: they are aimed at bourgeois gays who are about as alien to me as their station wagon owning heterosexual opposite numbers.

I?m not a huge fan of playing nomenclature games but there?s something to be said for encouraging finer distinctions.

So are you gay, queer, a fag, a fairy, a nancyboysor just one tough stud?

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Thanks, Richard