Gay & Lesbian

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Magazine Subscriptions / Subjects / Gay & Lesbian

1. Curve Curve
from Outspoken Enterprises
Price: $19.95

Customer Review:
Overall Curve is a great magazine and i've been reading it for 5 years now. Only problem I have with it is, it does not really represent the african american lesbian, if it did, I would then, subscribe to it.

Customer Rating:
3.5 / 5.0

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2. Instinct Magazine Instinct Magazine
from Instinct Publishing Inc
Price: $14.95

Customer Review:
This magazine is absolutely incredible. It is funny, informative, and best of all, doesn't take itself so seriously. You get a very fresh and hip writing style that keeps you entertained from cover to cover. Nothing at all like it's competitors. You just have to try it for yourself.

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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3. Out Out
from Liberation Publications Inc
Price: $14.95

Customer Review:
Oh, please! People don't read OUT for in-depth academic diatribes. What part of "it's a fashion magazine" don't you people understand? It is a fun fashion/arts/entertainment mag. As far as I know, their readership is predominantly male, hence the lack of tons of lesbian content. But at least there... more info

Customer Rating:
3.1 / 5.0

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4. Advocate Advocate
from Liberation Publications Inc
Price: $39.97

Customer Review:
I've been a subscriber to The Advocate for several years, and no other gay periodical covers the GLBT community on a nationwide/international basis better!

While some cover stories occasionally come across as "fluffy" or sensationalistic (the Anne Heche story comes to mind), for the most part, the... more info

Customer Rating:
4.1 / 5.0

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5. Men Men
from Specialty Publications Inc.
Price: $39.98

Customer Review:
Having seen this magazine every once in a while, I was intrigued to take a look, and recnetly purchased an issue to to sample. The magazine does not dissapoint. Most of the men aren't models, but built fairly nicely, and the magazine is unafraid to have hairy men.

With some gay erotic tales, ads... more info

Customer Rating:
4.2 / 5.0

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6. Unzipped Unzipped
from Specialty Publications Inc.
Price: $39.95

Customer Review:
A subscription to "Unzipped" isn't wasted. Not only does the magazine, the definitive publication of gay news, offer lavish and sexually stimulating photo layouts (solo and couples), it is Playboy-esque in providing interviews with prominent gay leaders and entertainers and mainstream articles with... more info

Customer Rating:
4.7 / 5.0

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7. Passport Passport
from Q Communications
Price: $19.95

Customer Review:
Have been getting PASSPORT at a bookstore for a year or so and decided I had to subscribe. it is the BEST travel magazine I have ever read...not just the best gay travel magazine. Great indepth articles writen in a person-to-person style and beautiful photo layouts. No other magazine covers... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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8. Gay Lesbian Review Worldwide Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide
from G & L Review Worldwide
Price: $29.70

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9. Genre Magazine Genre Magazine
from Genre Publishing Inc.
Price: $19.95

Customer Review:
Genre recently changed its logo and its editors. As a result, the magazine has improved 110%! Really interesting celebrity stories, a good mix of CD, movie and book reviews, lots of home product stuff, etc. The covers are HOT too. All in all, this magazine far surpasses OUT or Instinct as the only... more info

Customer Rating:
2.2 / 5.0

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