Louis Crompton

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Louis Crompton

1. Homosexuality and Civilization Homosexuality and Civilization
from Belknap Press
Price: $22.05

Customer Review:
Based on the best recent scholarship and providing an overview of homosexuality from the Greeks to the end of the 18th century, this levelheaded, easy-to-read volume confirms the fact that homosexuality has had a long history (with periods of greater or less toleration). Crompton (English, Univ. of... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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2. Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature
from New York University Press
Price: $21.00

Customer Review:
From the cover to the last page, *Islamic Homosexualities* is packed with information that is really useful to the queer Muslim of today. From "Slave Elites" of the Ottoman Empire to the "Gender-Defined" roles of African Homos, from the "Male Actresses" to the "Pakistani Male Prostitues," the book... more info

Customer Rating:
3.8 / 5.0

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3. Byron and Greek Love: Homophobia in 19th Century England Byron and Greek Love: Homophobia in 19th Century England
from Gay Men's Press
Price: $19.95

Customer Review:
Louis Crompton's *Byron and Greek Love* sullied the reputations of many reviewers attempting
to dismiss it as impugning the reputation of a major poet. In 1985 it was still improprietous to
recognize the homophilic tradition - as if homosexuals would claim more biographical
pedestals and... more info

Customer Rating:
3.5 / 5.0

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4. Shaw the dramatist: A study of the intellectual background of the major plays Shaw the dramatist: A study of the intellectual background of the major plays
from Allen and Unwin

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5. Dictionary of the Martial Arts Dictionary of the Martial Arts
from Tuttle Publishing

Customer Review:
This is one of four or five books I always keep nearby when writing. The content is comprehensive and easy to use and I appreciate the lack of stylistic or nationalistic prejudice.

Customer Rating:
3.2 / 5.0

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6. Dictionary of Martial Arts Dictionary of Martial Arts
from Continuum International Publishing Group

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7. Great Composers: Reviews and Bombardments by Bernard Shaw Great Composers: Reviews and Bombardments by Bernard Shaw
from Univ of California Pr

Customer Review:
Shaw's musical reviews are far and away the most 'helpful' I ever expect to read, which does not mean that I agree with half of them. I am probably nearly as opinionated as he was and I am certainly nowhere near as talented, and criticism that is helpful to me is criticism that shows independent... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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8. Grt Composers Grt Composers
from University of California Press

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9. Shaw the Dramatist Shaw the Dramatist
from Univ of Nebraska Pr

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