Jo Stanley

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Jo Stanley

1. Bold in Her Breeches: Women Pirates Across the Ages Bold in Her Breeches: Women Pirates Across the Ages
from Rivers Oram Press/Pandora
Price: $17.50

Customer Review:
The book seemed to be more about gender issues than piracy, female or otherwise. Not at all what I had hoped for.

Customer Rating:
3.5 / 5.0

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2. Hello Sailor! The Hidden History of Gay Life at Sea Hello Sailor! The Hidden History of Gay Life at Sea
from Longman
Price: $15.36

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3. The Breath of Parted Lips: Voices from the Robert Frost Place The Breath of Parted Lips: Voices from the Robert Frost Place
from CavanKerry Press
Price: $23.80

Customer Review:
The Franconia, New Hampshire, farm of the American poet Robert Frost was turned into a museum and center for poetry and the arts in 1976. From that time, "The Frost Place" has been annual event wherein an emerging poet has been invited to spend the summer living in the house where Frost once lived... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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4. Bold in Her Breeches: Woman Pirates Across the Ages Bold in Her Breeches: Woman Pirates Across the Ages
from Rivers Oram Pr
Price: $45.00

Customer Review:
The book is eazy to folow and backed with thought and evedence. Inciteful into the true history not just what we learn from a 8th grade text book.

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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5. Cultural Sniping: The Art of Transgression (Comedia) Cultural Sniping: The Art of Transgression (Comedia)
from Routledge
Price: $124.95

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6. Fortune and Romance: Boiardo in America (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies) Fortune and Romance: Boiardo in America (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies)
from Renaissance Tapes
Price: $30.00

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