Queer as Folk - The Complete Third Season (Showtime)

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Queer as Folk - The Complete Third Season (Showtime)

Starring: Michelle Clunie
Binding: DVD
Published: 24 February, 2004



  • Box set
  • Color

Queer as Folk - The Complete Third Season (Showtime)

Queer as Folk - The Complete Third Season (Showtime)

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.0 / 5.0

Another great season, great character development:

Everyone has a strong opinion on this show. I for one thoroughly enjoyed season 3. My review, without spoilers:

Scott Lowell's performance as Ted addicted to crystal meth is outstanding. Peter Paige also does a spectacular job as Emmitt, Ted's boyfriend, trying to deal with the addition. This saga within the series is one of the best parts of season three.

That being said, I could have done without Hunter: was he added to the show simply to have a twink on hand now that Justin is maturing? Also, I... more info

Shame that it's so short!:

Recently released on DVD, Queer As Folk's third season continues to be a powerful and moving series. Our beloved friends and characters have moved on in their lives, and this season is a turning point for many of them. I do not want to spoil the plot for those still waiting to see this, but be prepared to see a changed Brian, a fun-loving but tougher Justin, Emmett and Ted's turmoil and a new life for the lesbian duo. Of course, this show would be incomplete without Debbie, dinner-diva. There is also a new... more info

Finally, Ted is actually interesting:

Definitely better than season 2. Ted becomes interesting, finally! And Kinney gets a heart. A surprising new role (or two) for Michael, Justin refuses to settle but then settles again...how long will that last, though? The characters are moving forward in life, and it's a good thing. The bar scene is still active, but no longer the center of it all. These people actually have lives.

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